By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
following list attempts to keep track of military equipment
delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Estonia during the 2022 Russian
invasion of
Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag
denoting the country of origin). Due to the confidential nature of Estonia's arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the
volume of weaponry delivered. Estonia has been reimbursed €134.2 million by the European Union for the delivery of these arms. [1] This list will be updated as further
military support is uncovered or declared.
* Purchases from Estonian defence companies.
on the vehicle or equipment type to get a picture of them)
Patrol Boats
''Patrol Boats'' [To be delivered]
Towed Artillery (60)
36 122mm D-30s [Delivered from March 2022 onwards]
24 155mm FH-70s [Delivered from May 2022 onwards]
Heavy Mortars
120mm Heavy Mortars [2022/2023]
Reconnaissance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
7 ''Unmanned Aerial Vehicles'' [Before February 2023]
7 EOS C VTOLs* [June 2022] (Crowdfunded by Lithuania)
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles (7)
7 Alvis 4s ''Mamba'' [May 2022]
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
100 FGM-148 Javelins [March 2022]
MILANs [March 2022]
Anti-Tank Weaponry
Instalaza C90 Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launchers [March 2022]
Hundreds Of Carl Gustaf M2 Recoilless Rifles [Before August 2022]
Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 Recoilless Guns [Before August 2022]
PK-14 Directional Anti-Tank Mines [Before September 2022]
40.000+ Anti-Tank Mines [Before April 2022]
Small Arms
Up To 35.000 M14 Battle Rifles [Spring 2022]
Sniper Rifles [Before June 2022]
Pistols [Early 2023]
Grenade Launchers [To be delivered]
Thousands Of 122mm Artillery Rounds [Spring 2022]
Thousands Of 155mm Artillery Rounds [Spring 2022]
Tens Of Millions Of Small Arms Rounds [Delivered from March 2022 onwards]
Miscellaneous Equipment
Helmets [March 2022]
Flak Jackets [March 2022]
10.000 Winter Uniforms (Including Jackets, Trousers, Shirts, Socks And Boots) [2022/2023]
Thousands Of Camouflage Suits [2022/2023]
Miscellaneous Equipment
3 Field Hospitals [2022 and 2023] (In cooperation with Germany, Norway and the Netherlands)
Medical Supplies [2022 and 2023]
50.000 Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [March 2022]
Weapons Sights [After February 2023]
Thermal Cameras [After February 2023]
Binoculars [After February 2023]
Communications Equipment [2022/2023]
Generators And Chargers [February 2023]
[1] EU allies query Estonia’s bumper refund from weapons to Ukraine
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